Africa Green Travelers

Best time to Go For Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Best time to Go For Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Best time to Go For Gorilla Trekking in Uganda is the dry season , occurring from December to February and June to September. These periods offer favorable hiking conditions with drier trails, making the trekking experience more enjoyable. Additionally, gorillas tend to stay in accessible areas during these times, potentially shortening trekking durations. The clear skies and optimal lighting also provide excellent opportunities for photography.

During the dry season, gorillas often inhabit easily accessible areas, potentially shortening trekking durations. Additionally, the clear skies and ideal lighting create perfect conditions for photography, allowing visitors to capture the beauty of the gorillas and their surroundings.

Best time to Go For Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

However, it’s worth noting that gorilla trekking in Uganda is feasible throughout the year, with each season presenting its own unique advantages. The rainy seasons, occurring from March to May and October to November, offer lush green forests and increased gorilla activity.

Discovering the Best Time for  Trekking in Uganda and the Various Seasons

During High Season

High seasons in Uganda typically fall in January, February, June, July, August, September, and December, characterized by minimal or no rainfall. Travelers often prefer this period due to the favorable weather conditions, which facilitate gorilla trekking activities.

During the high season, there’s typically high demand for gorilla permits, necessitating advance booking, sometimes up to seven months prior. While the dry season is perfect for trekking mountain gorillas, it may be more expensive for budget travelers. Despite the rugged terrain, the weathered regions with raised landscapes maintain a cool climate year-round.

During Low Season

Also known as the rainy seasons, spanning from March to May and September to November, these months are characterized by misty and wet conditions, with occasional drizzles lasting for days. Despite the challenges, these periods offer excellent opportunities for birdwatching, as migratory birds flock to the parks.

Although gorilla tracking is possible during the low season, access roads may be challenging to traverse, and trails become slippery, making tracking difficult. Some camps and lodges may close, particularly between March and May. Warm clothing is essential during this period.

Moreover, with fewer visitors trekking mountain gorillas in the low season, those who do trek are often allocated to different gorilla families, providing them with closer interaction without overcrowding. However, trekking may be challenging due to the slippery grounds and occasional showers.

Month By Month Guide For Travelling To Uganda

January & February

January offers hot weather, ideal for encountering chimpanzees and the endangered mountain gorillas in some of Uganda’s prime destinations. With clear skies and less rain, observing families moving through lush forests offers a profoundly immersive experience with nature’s wild inhabitants.

February, being relatively dry, is perfect for exploring national parks in the south and engaging in gorilla trekking without contending with muddy conditions. However, northern regions may experience hot and dusty weather during this period.

March To May

March signals the onset of the first rainy season, presenting opportunities to witness animals giving birth in the parks and enjoy vibrant birdwatching experiences.

April, the wettest month, may see road closures due to consistent downpours, resulting in quieter parks. Despite challenges, discounted rates for accommodations, safari tours, and gorilla trekking permits make it an opportune time for budget-conscious travelers.

May, though rainy, offers a chance to explore the country amid less rainfall compared to April, providing opportunities for enjoyable excursions.

Visiting Uganda From June To August

June marks the start of peak season for luxury safaris, necessitating advanced booking for gorilla trekking permits to avoid inconvenience.

July stands out as an excellent month for gorilla trekking and safaris, with wildlife congregating around water sources for easier spotting. Fine weather conditions ensure clear hiking trails, facilitating navigation.

In August, exceptional game viewing opportunities arise, with possibilities of encountering elephants, lions, and even elusive leopards in Uganda’s national parks.

Visiting Uganda From September To December

September, typically the end of the dry season, may experience occasional downpours. While not ideal for gorilla trekking, travelers can benefit from reduced lodging and travel costs.

October, less busy, offers reasonable prices and specials on gorilla trekking permits. Most parks remain accessible, albeit with unpredictable rainfall.

November continues the rainy season, with fewer visitors due to less favorable weather conditions. However, lush green landscapes offer picturesque scenery.

December marks the end of the wet season, making it an excellent time to explore northern and southern regions for game viewing. Additionally, it’s an optimal season for birdwatching, with migratory birds adding to the area’s biodiversity. Feel Free to Contact us Now for more Information

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