Africa Green Travelers

Ngamba Island

Ngamba Island

Visiting the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary is an unforgettable experience you will never forget while on your Ngamba Island Tour. The Island is home to orphaned chimpanzees situated in Lake Victoria approximately 23 kilometers from Entebbe.

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary is considered one of the leading primate sanctuaries in Africa that sit on 100 acres approximately. Such a beautiful thought came in 1998 around October with strangling feeling of conserving the orphan chimpanzees that have been rescued by the Uganda Wildlife Authority from poachers and are unlikely to survive reintroduction to the wild hence leading to offer other life to Chimpanzee in wild.

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary has a plaid big role in conserving the orphaned chimpanzees and this is a non-profit organization that is coordinated and managed by the Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust that has shared it’s in a partnership with other six organizations committed to the welfare and conservation of wildlife.

Deciding and visiting Ngamba Island offers you a wonderful opportunity to learn about this project at the visitor’s center and get a chance to engage in different activities that has being plaid at the sanctuary including feeding the chimpanzees from the platform, this activity takes place twice in the day (in the morning and evening). This is a strangle activity that makes your hands dirty as you are able to feed your favorite chimp, you will also watch as the chimps excitedly try and gain your attention to receive food at a close distance.

The Island has everything for everyone including the honeymooner, this is an unforgettable experience for couples who looking for memories to read on as they enjoy their lifetime experience, enjoy a mesmerizing adventure activity as you see the sunsets on Lake Victoria the largest Lake in Africa. You will find fishermen casting their nets and it seems more productive as many have never been disappointed at the end of the day, parents work with their children to get their daily meals.

Fishing as an activity at Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary has again popular due to the presence of different fish species within Lake Victoria including Nile Perch, Tilapia, and so on, and fishing gears

Eco lodges and luxury cottages are surrounded by rain forests and the water body humbles you into a comfortable night with your family. They cater to all kinds of visitors from luxury to budget and student dormitories are also available for a student who is on research and a normal visit. All such beautiful accommodations were built up with woods not to look far different from the surrounding.

How to get there

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary is 23 kilometers from Entebbe approximately 50 minutes by a speedboat from the dock in Entebbe to Ngamba Island. Using a traditional motorized canoe takes about 1 hour and a half.

The option is available for luxury travelers who opt to use air transport, approximately 20 minutes from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip.

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